You want to become a Co-worker

Nice. It would be an honor to have you in our company.

Look for any open position that you are interested in, or use the Open application to apply. The form will ask some basic info about you as a  Co-worker, what you are looking for, your educational levels, …

Once we have received the form, we will reply with a confirmation if everything is ok. Perhaps we will ask some additional questions. After we have processed your form we will organise an intake interview. You will receive credentials to be able to update your CV and check for open positions that are open only to EnConsult coworkers.

You will also be asked to indicate which kind of contract you are most interested in,. We only have 2:

  • High Gain, where you will receive a higher bonus but a lower base salary
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  • High Base, where you will receive a higher base salary, but a lower bonus
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We may then post your profile on our website so that our customers can check if you would fit their requirements. Depending on your choices, this will be visible for registered customers, or on the public part of our website.

We will also do a manual search and try to set up a job interview if a possible match is found. Be aware, you are not “assigned” to a task/position. You are always asked if you are interested. There will always be an interview, and the match need to be there for both you and the customer.

If we come to a match, you will get a contract (CDD) for the duration of the initial assignment. An addendum will be made for every single assignment. After returning the signed contract, and the reception of any pre-payments if applicable, we will put all in motion to prepare you to start working in your team within the agreed delay.

On the second assignment that is for a duration of more than 3 months, you will be offered a CDI.

You need Co-workers

If your team needs more manpower, fill in this form and send it to us. We will then contact you to see if we can match your demand.

The form will ask some basic task info for the Co-worker(s) you are looking for, the initial period you want the coworkers to be available, the range of the basic rate you are willing to pay, and any bonus that can be realized by the Co-worker. We will ask you to send in one form for every different task/position your are looking to fill in.

Once we have received the form(s), we will reply with a confirmation if everything is ok. Perhaps we will ask some additional questions. If you are a first time customer we will contact you to get some company details so we can properly contact you during the process of finding and interviewing any Co-workers.

We may then post the position(s) on our website so that our Co-workers can check if there is anything that would fit their profile. We will also do a manual search within our company, and inform the coworkers matching the tasks/position(s). Be aware, our coworkers are not “assigned” to a task/position. They are asked if they are interested. There will always be an interview, and the match need to be there for both you and the Co-worker.

If we come to a match, you will get a custom contract to confirm the agreement we have made on the selected Co-worker(s), duration of the initial assignment, payrates and bonus.

After returning the signed contract, and the reception of any pre-payments if applicable, we will put all in motion and have the Co-workers prepare to start working in your team within the agreed delay.

You are employing (some) Co-worker(s)

Nice, we are in business.

Our Co-workers are obliged to take part in our bi-weekly company event. This means that there are two Fridays a month that they are not available for work after 16:00.

During this event, we will informally check with the Co-worker that all is OK.

More formally, our Co-workers are asked to mention on their weekly timesheet if they think some support from EnConsult is needed. This can range from intermediation in clarifying task/position and expectations, to handling complaints from you as a Customer or the Co-worker.

Billing of the work delivered is done every week, billing of the bonus will in principle be simultaneously, but may in exceptional cases be billed separately and according to another time schedule.

Payments are due within a week, and payout to Co-workers is done within two weeks.

These are strict timelines. Needed to be able to provide top notch service. So be aware, we expect correctness from our Customers at the same level as they may expect from us!


Billing will be done monthly, and the payments of the bills are to be done within one month. A proof of payment must be sent to our administration.

A pro forma bill in excel will always be provided as part of the contract. That allows the Customer to determine what will be billed based on hours and bonus agreed upon upfront. The Customer is considered to have checked that the pro-forma bill is in accordance with the expectations before you sign the contract.

If payments are not due in time, the Co-worker(s) will not be allowed to work for the Customer. This is not a decision of the Co-worker, it is a standard condition in the contract. After two weeks of non-payment, EnConsult is free to employ the Co-worker elsewhere, without further notice and without consequences for the obligation of the Customer to pay the contractually agreed fees.

If the Customer wants to end a contract because the Co-worker is not delivering what was agreed upon contractually, a written resignation needs to be received by EnConsult. Any remaining payments will be due according to the agreement.

What kind of work do we specialize in?


Well, as a company, you can’t do everything if you want to do it right. So let’s be clear about our focus.

Our job: providing co-workers for fully remote positions in on-location teams.

We believe in the necessity for on-location teams to meet physically and to work together as colleagues, interacting as human individuals in all possible ways. Workshops, brainstorms, design, … Most of those activities are easier done with a physical presence, allowing for body language, facial expressions and the availability of a whiteboard, post-it’s etcetera. We know that most of that can be arranged in fully remote meetings, where nobody is physically in the same room. But we are convinced that the most effective way still remains a physical presence.

Yet, for certain positions within those teams, or for a limited number of persons within a team, it will not be a game stopper if that position is fully remote. On the contrary: one or two fully remote co-workers will increase the need to have clear ideas, allow for challenging ideas by the cultural differences these remote co-workers can bring into the mix, and improve the general outcomeof the team.

Area’s we work in

We provide fully remote co-workers in the domains of:

  • development
  • testing
  • customer support
  • customer service
  • marketing and sales
Roles we provide

Some examples of the roles we are providing fully remote in our customer on-location teams:

  • test engineer
    • test design
    • test planning
    • test execution
  • service operator
    • call handling inbound
    • sales outbound
    • incident handling 1/2 line
    • helpdesk
      • general IT,
      • O365, Azure, …
      • custom services / applications
  • change analysts
  • problem analysts
  • developers (full stack, .NET)
    • design
    • built
    • service
  • application/cloud/infrastructure engineers
    • O365
    • Azure
    • Amazon

In-sourcing and On-shoring in a new a jacket


From the 90’s on, Out-sourcing and Off-Shoring has been a rapidly growing business, where it was seen as the holy grail for cost-cutting and flexible resourcing. The last few years, companies are taking a more rational approach, as they have also encountered or experienced the downsides of Out-sourcing and Off-shoring.

More realistic approach

Currently, we see a more realistic approach, where only parts of the business process or activities are deemed suitable for Out-sourcing. There where culture, co-operation, communication and reference frameworks are crucial for success, the reverse trend has started. These activities are now more and more In-sourced or On-shored. This means there is a much more sensible mix of business operations being put in place. Benefits of Out-sourcing and Off-shoring are secured for selected parts of the business. The downsides are avoided by In-sourcing or On-shoring certain other activities.

Remote workers: a Win-Win-Win opportunity

With the current experiences in remote working, partly gained during the Covid pandemie, lots of companies are less afraid of the negatives of remote working. It has been confirmed that productivity in certain sectors doesn’t lower, or even increases, by remote working. Some companies have gone fully remote.

By mixing in some remote workers in your team from the typical Out-sourcing and Off-shoring regions, you can create a win-win-win situation.

Customer win

In most situations, it is not an issue for a team to absorb one or two team members that work fully remote from a typical Off-shore region. If the working hours match, and the lingua franca is English, as for most technical jobs, the differences in culture and reference framework will in most cases be an advantage for the team. Ideas will be challenged, reference frameworks put under test, making sure that what needs to be done by the team becomes much clearer and more explicit. And that at a lower cost.

Co-worker win

The Co-worker that joins a remote team abroad, will get the chance to prove himself. Learning and growing will become almost a natural process. Combine that with an above-local salary, and you are assured of highly motivated Co-workers. Co-workers that can make a difference in their own country, helping it to develop and raise its standards.

Company win

A company that provides Co-workers in the above scenarios, is in the privileged position to be able to deliver low cost resources with a high quality. This is a challenging position, with a real risk of exploitation of resources in an un-ethical way. Companies being on that bridge, will only truly win if they restrict themselves to a maximized margin and a focus on steady growth. By investing in communication, training; education, infrastructure and support, they will be able to gain a solid, future proof position in the global ecosystem that is arising.

EnConsult Solutions

We at Enconsult Solutions want to be on that bridge, linking cultures and people, helping develop and exchange. Our business model is as transparant as it can get. A simple model for both Co-workers and Customers.

Whether we work for local customers or for off-shore customers.:

Let’s make something out of it!

Where you will be working

As an EnConsult Co-worker you are on the payroll of EnConsult Solutions. You will work for the Customer with which we made an agreement. An agreement between EnConsult, the Customer and above all, you, the Co-worker.

You will always be presented the details of available open positions, and asked if you are prepared to take an interview with the Customer. If it ‘clicks’, let’s start. If not, we search for a better opportunity for you, and another Co-worker for the Customer. A Co-worker that does like the conditions and has the ‘click’ after the interview.

This means that you will always earn your base salary, and any allowances for the days that you worked. On top of that, you can then earn a percentage of the turnover you realized at that Customer. And you will know upfront what your expected salary will be.

Depending on the project details, the team will be either in Morocco or abroad. If in Morocco, you might be asked to work on the customer premises. Otherwise you can work from any location where you are able to work remotely. In most cases, you will then also have to ‘bring your own device. This means bringing your own laptop, headset, and proper internet connection. The team manager of the Customer is responsible to instruct you, and provide all necessary for you to be able to do your job. That team manager is your daily contact. If you are not sure about something, you can always contact your manager within Enconsult.

We do not run any projects ourselves as an outsourcing partner. So our business is to keep you happy, working for our customer in a way that pleases the Customer as well.