You want to become a Co-worker

Nice. It would be an honor to have you in our company.

Look for any open position that you are interested in, or use the Open application to apply. The form will ask some basic info about you as a  Co-worker, what you are looking for, your educational levels, …

Once we have received the form, we will reply with a confirmation if everything is ok. Perhaps we will ask some additional questions. After we have processed your form we will organise an intake interview. You will receive credentials to be able to update your CV and check for open positions that are open only to EnConsult coworkers.

You will also be asked to indicate which kind of contract you are most interested in,. We only have 2:

  • High Gain, where you will receive a higher bonus but a lower base salary
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  • High Base, where you will receive a higher base salary, but a lower bonus
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We may then post your profile on our website so that our customers can check if you would fit their requirements. Depending on your choices, this will be visible for registered customers, or on the public part of our website.

We will also do a manual search and try to set up a job interview if a possible match is found. Be aware, you are not “assigned” to a task/position. You are always asked if you are interested. There will always be an interview, and the match need to be there for both you and the customer.

If we come to a match, you will get a contract (CDD) for the duration of the initial assignment. An addendum will be made for every single assignment. After returning the signed contract, and the reception of any pre-payments if applicable, we will put all in motion to prepare you to start working in your team within the agreed delay.

On the second assignment that is for a duration of more than 3 months, you will be offered a CDI.

Where you will be working

As an EnConsult Co-worker you are on the payroll of EnConsult Solutions. You will work for the Customer with which we made an agreement. An agreement between EnConsult, the Customer and above all, you, the Co-worker.

You will always be presented the details of available open positions, and asked if you are prepared to take an interview with the Customer. If it ‘clicks’, let’s start. If not, we search for a better opportunity for you, and another Co-worker for the Customer. A Co-worker that does like the conditions and has the ‘click’ after the interview.

This means that you will always earn your base salary, and any allowances for the days that you worked. On top of that, you can then earn a percentage of the turnover you realized at that Customer. And you will know upfront what your expected salary will be.

Depending on the project details, the team will be either in Morocco or abroad. If in Morocco, you might be asked to work on the customer premises. Otherwise you can work from any location where you are able to work remotely. In most cases, you will then also have to ‘bring your own device. This means bringing your own laptop, headset, and proper internet connection. The team manager of the Customer is responsible to instruct you, and provide all necessary for you to be able to do your job. That team manager is your daily contact. If you are not sure about something, you can always contact your manager within Enconsult.

We do not run any projects ourselves as an outsourcing partner. So our business is to keep you happy, working for our customer in a way that pleases the Customer as well.